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Get more opens, clicks, and sales from your newsletters by staying out of spam/promo and getting into the inbox.

Just writing newsletters isn't enough, you also need to ensure your subscribers need to see them.

Google, Yahoo, and co. often classify our newsletters as spam even though they're not.

Hit The Inbox will teach you how to fix that.

Enroll in Hit The Inbox for $27

You see, most people focus on getting new subscribers and miss a critical aspect in their email strategy ...

What good is having thousands of subscribers if your email newsletter never makes it to their inbox?

The truth is, unless you learn about email deliverability, your newsletters will very likely end up in spam folders or Google's Promotion tab.

You'll never get the opens and clicks that you need to increase your revenue from your email list.

That's why I created Hit The Inbox - an online course with everything I learned from sending well over 2 million newsletters.

In this course, I'll show you everything you need to know to get your newsletter in front of your subscribers and out of the spam folder and promo tabs.

Learn how to:

  • Get more of your email newsletters delivered to the inbox of your subscribers.
  • Monitor if your email address gets used for fraudulent campaigns.
  • Increase revenue from your email marketing campaigns.
  • And much more.

I'm also including a special bonus interview with Adrian Savage - an industry leader who specializes in email deliverability.

Best of all, you don't need to be techy to work through this course and get the results you're looking for. 

If you're tired of seeing low open rates and having your newsletters go to spam, enroll in Hit The Inbox today.

Enroll today and get access to:

Easy-to-follow tech tutorials

Be sure that you've configured your email newsletter correctly and aren't triggering spam filters without even realizing.

Strategies from industry leaders

Learn from the best in the email marketing industry and use their strategies to get more subscribers to open your newsletter.

Get more results without learning how to code

The entire course is made for people with no development background. I am simplifying technology to a degree everybody can follow.

Direct help from Jan

Get email support from Jan Koch, who answers all your questions directly.

Enroll in Hit The Inbox for $27
If you're not happy with Hit The Inbox after the first 14 days, I will give you a full refund — NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
You see, I’ve spent years building up trust and I’m not about to sabotage my standing and relationships with you all. 
That’s why I’ve included this risk-free way for you to make an informed decision by test-driving Hit The Inbox for two full weeks.
With my no-questions-asked guarantee backing you up, the biggest risk for you is to stay stuck with your existing email marketing stack, newsletters that don't get opened, and autoresponders that don't sell.
I appreciate you and hope to see you on the inside.
With gratitude,