Attract More Followers With Your Twitter Bio Without Being A Copywriter

In this post, we’ll talk about how to attract more followers with your Twitter bio.

The more followers you get, the more people you’ll reach and the more money you make.

A great example of how this is done is the profile of my friend Dylan.

He runs the Growth Currency Newsletter, helping marketers and content creators to grow, optimize and monetize their newsletters. I highly recommend getting onto his list if you aren't already.

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Let’s examine why his Twitter bio works and how you can even run split tests to compare two different bios on your account for free.

Even if Twitter isn’t your primary focus, having a solid bio makes everybody who comes across your profile more included to follow you.

The secrets to attracting more followers with your Twitter bio

As you can see on Dylan’s account @growthcurrency, his bio is crystal clear and leaves no room for interpretation.

He has two links with a free and a paid offer.

Using emojis and having a beaming smile on the picture let him come across as friendly and open to a nice conversation. At no point is he selling himself.

Plus, he’s making clever use of the “Location” field to drive attention to his newsletter landing page.

Let’s recap. To attract more followers with your Twitter bio, you need to:

  • Explain what you do and why somebody should follow you (relevancy)
  • Deplatform profile visitors to grow your newsletter
  • Use professional photography and well-designed banner graphics

When somebody sees your profile for the first time, they decide within seconds whether you’re relevant to them or not.

Common mistakes in writing Twitter bios

Especially on Twitter, people have the attention spans of flies.

Unless you’re already well known and people recognize your name or picture, you need to be ON POINT with your Twitter bio.

Don’t be cheeky or clever.

Don’t leave any room for interpretation.

Don’t try to be funny with inside jokes.

Don’t put anything into your bio that doesn’t help a visitor decide if you can help them achieve their goals.

Your Twitter profile should answer one question:

Why should I want to read your tweets?

You’re not attracting followers with your Twitter bio if you cannot answer that.

If you struggle writing copy that is on point, consider using an AI copywriting tool (read here if they'd be worth your money.)

How to split-test your Twitter bio to attract more followers

You might have read that I am going all-in on Twitter.

As part of that, I did a lot of research and came across this fantastic free tool:

Please turn on your images to see this screenshot
A screenshot of my current split test.

Before I saw this, I had no idea you could even run split tests on Twitter. Let alone do that for free.

But with, you can. As you can tell, the conversion rate on my Twitter profile is 15.66% for the winning variation.

That’s miles ahead of my newsletter opt-ins below my blog posts (not sure what that should tell me, lol.)

Should you invest more time on Twitter?

Depending on how active you already are on Twitter, spending more time on any social platform always comes with opportunity costs.

I like to be on Twitter to:

  • Network with other creators and marketers like Dylan
  • Become a better writer
  • Build my audience and ultimately sell my course Paid to Create
  • Create relationships with sponsors for The Uncommon Solopreneur

You need to be clever not to get sucked into the noise on Twitter, though.

Organizing profiles I follow into lists helps me stay focused.

Hypefury is my favorite tool to schedule my tweets and threads weeks in advance.

I also use Hypefury for managing engagement.

Twitter quickly became my favorite platform once I immersed myself. Give me a follow if we aren’t connected yet: @iamjankochI

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

  1. Get Paid To Create (Get full access for just $1). Learn how to make brands pay you to create content.
  2. Get more subscribers and earn more money from your newsletter with List Building School (3,900+ attendees)
  3. Book a 1-hour call and let me help you directly.

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Hey, I'm Jan!

I run KCONSULT and publish the AI Marketing Minute to help busy business owners use AI to accelerate growth. It's great to have you here!

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